IG-541 Inergen is a mixture of 52% Nitrogen, 40% Argon, and 8% CO2. However, in the event of a fire, when Inergen is discharged, it mixes with the air present in the room to create a mixture that comprises 67.3% Nitrogen, 12.5% Oxygen, 17% Argon, and 3.2% Carbon Dioxide. IG-541 combines the extinguishing agents of Argon, Nitrogen, and CO₂ to ensure fire suppression with unique features. They fight the fire by reducing the oxygen in the room, always at a concentration suitable for allowing for the evacuation of personnel. In addition, the low percentage of CO₂ included in the mixture is suitable for use in occupied areas.

Gas | Cylinder Capacity | Filling Pressure |
Ineregn IG-541 | 1 Ltr to Above 80 Ltrs | Upto 300 Bar |
Aragonite IG-55 | 1 ltr to Above 80 Ltrs | Upto 300 Bar |
Nitrogen | 1 Ltr to Above 80 Ltrs | Upto 300 Bar |